Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA launches an app for information and notifications on medicines - AIFA launches an app for information and notifications on medicines

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AIFA launches an app for information and notifications on medicines

Press release n. 700 - The Italian Medicines Agency has released the AIFA Medicinali application for mobile devices, designed as a practical and immediate tool for accessing information and receiving notifications on medicines.

"The Agency's initiative," says the Director General, Nicola Magrini, "stems from a need pointed out by the associations of people with chronic and disabling diseases themselves, who urged us to develop an app to make them better able to check for possible shortages, to have at their disposal agile tools to consult up-to-date information on drugs, to receive first indications on 'What to do when a drug is deficient', and alerts on their availability on the market. Clearly, the AIFA Medicines App provides various support tools for agile consultation and to encourage adherence to treatment by means of simple reminders of doses, times, how to take and expiry dates.     

We also have another app in the works for the prescription of antibiotics that are more effective, safer and with a lower risk of developing resistance".

Among the various functions, AIFA Medicinali allows you to directly access the AIFA drug database, carry out detailed searches on individual packages, consult the Package Leaflet (FI) and the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), view and check the status of marketing of medicines authorised in Italy.

The app makes it possible to save medicines among the "Favourites", create one or more "cabinets" with the most frequently used medicines, and set reminders to take the medicines, offering the patient or carer support in taking the therapies correctly.

Through the app, it is possible to be updated on any drug shortages of interest and to keep an eye on the expiry date of packages through the notification service. 
Finally, the app allows you to enter one or more health cards to have them available on your mobile device at any time.

Released in BETA version, it can be downloaded free of charge from the official Google and Apple stores accessible directly from devices via the respective Google Play Store and App Store apps.
"This app is an example of virtuous collaboration between institutions and the voluntary world," emphasises Giovanni Battista Pesce, president of the Italian Association against epilepsy, also on behalf of ANFAS and FISH. 'It represents an important signal of concrete attention to the theme of chronic pathologies,' Pesce concludes.

To download the app:
Google Play Store:
App Store:

Published on: 02 December 2022

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