Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Procedure for the review and validation of lists of medicines whose property has been transferred from a pharmaceutical company to another - Procedure for the review and validation of lists of medicines whose property has been transferred from a pharmaceutical company to another

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Procedure for the review and validation of lists of medicines whose property has been transferred from a pharmaceutical company to another

The list of products for which a change of ownership occurred during 2023 is available exclusively for pharmaceutical companies that have transferred/acquired these pharmaceutical products.

For each product, the name of the specialty, the SIS code of the company that transferred it, the name and SIS code of the company that acquired it and the month in which the transfer occurred were reported.

These data are available in the website section ‘Pharmaceutical expenditure payback for direct purchases in 2023’. This section is accessible by companies using the respective credentials and comments can be submitted no later than 3rd of May at 6pm.

Marketing authorisation holders are therefore invited to verify and, if necessary, rectify/supplement the information in the files in in accordance with the instructions laid down in the Annex entitled “Istruzioni per la revisione e validazione degli elenchi di AIC checambiano titolarità durante il 2023”.

Published on: 22 April 2024

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