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Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Front End Carenze (FEC) per i titolari di AIC

Front End Shortages (FES) for communications from MA holders

From 5th of November 2020, the Front End Shortages (FES) are active on the Agency's portal, through which MA holders can manage communications of shortages or stopped selling medicines marketed in Italy.

The sending of shortage or stopped selling communications through the FES exempts the owners who adopt this method from sending them via certified email address or ordinary mail.

The contact persons of the owner company in charge of managing communications relating to shortages and stopped selling must be registered on the online services portal.


Before proceeding to use the FES, it is recommended to view the video tutorial.

However, further documentation is available, including the user manual, on the "Access to the AIFA Informatic Systems" page.

Please note that in case of problems, you can refer to the AIFA Helpdesk:
Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00
+39 06 5978 4949 -


The Product Quality and Fighting Pharmaceutical Crime Office remains at the disposal of MA holders who should encounter problems or need support for the use of the FES; please send any reports or requests for support to the address:

In this case it is not necessary to register again but only to ask your Company User Administrator (CUA) to activate the "Shortages" profile using the "Profile Management" or "Profile Management for users already registered" application on the homepage of the service portal.

The corporate CUA, through the "Corporate User Authorization - CUA and Regional Approvers" application, can check the users employed by it at any time. In the same application you can enable or disable them.
Please note that to enable it, the user must request it through the "Profile Management" system as specified above.

For more information, refer to the appropriate manual published within the application.

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