Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Monkeypox: EMA starts review for Imvanex - Monkeypox: EMA starts review for Imvanex

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Monkeypox: EMA starts review for Imvanex

EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has started a review of data to extend the use of the smallpox vaccine Imvanex to include protecting people from monkeypox disease.

Imvanex is currently authorised in the EU for the prevention of smallpox in adults. It contains a live modified form of the vaccinia virus called ‘vaccinia Ankara’, which is related to the smallpox virus. It is also considered a potential vaccine for monkeypox because of the similarity between the monkeypox virus and the smallpox virus.

The decision to start this review is based on results from laboratory studies (non-clinical data) suggesting that the vaccine triggers the production of antibodies that target the monkeypox virus and may help protect against the disease.

Supplies of Imvanex are currently very limited in the EU. Imvanex is marketed as Jynneos in the US where it is authorised for the prevention of both monkeypox and smallpox.

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Published on: 04 July 2022

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