Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Additional measures to allow experts to focus on COVID-19 activities - Additional measures to allow experts to focus on COVID-19 activities

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Additional measures to allow experts to focus on COVID-19 activities

EMA is implementing additional temporary measures to further streamline activities in the European medicines regulatory network to enable experts to deal with an increasing volume of COVID-19-related assessment procedures.
Due to the very active pipeline of upcoming COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, a number of ongoing procedures, and the roll-out of authorised vaccines to millions of people across the EU, the resources of EMA and the European medicines regulatory network are highly focused on the review of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, and the rigorous safety monitoring of these medicines. 
EMA has agreed a number of measures with its Management Board to ensure that the network can continue to dedicate resources to COVID-19 whilst always maintaining the robustness of its scientific evaluations. These measures complement the arrangements prioritising COVID-19 procedures that are already in place under the current phase 2 of the business continuity plan for the European medicines regulatory network, such as maximum flexibility with timetables or temporary changes of rapporteurs for non-COVID-19 procedures. 

Published on: 11 May 2021

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