Direct Healthcare Professional Communication: Venclyxto▼ (venetoclax) film coated tablets - Direct Healthcare Professional Communication: Venclyxto▼ (venetoclax) film coated tablets
Direct Healthcare Professional Communication: Venclyxto▼ (venetoclax) film coated tablets
Venclyxto▼ (venetoclax) film coated tablets: updated recommendations on tumour lysis syndrome (TLS) in CLL patients.
- Fatal cases of TLS have been observed even in patients receiving the lowest venetoclax dose used in dose-titration schedule.
- TLS is a known risk of venetoclax.
- Strict adherence to dose titration and TLS risk minimisation measures as outlined in the SmPC is required for all patients.
- A patient card will be provided to prescribing haematologists to be given to each patient.
Published on: 10 June 2021