1.83% Pay-back - 1.83% Pay-back
1.83% Pay-back
Provision whereby pharmaceutical companies are charged an amount calculated on the retail price of medicinal products that are reimbursed by the National Health Service, as introduced by article 11, paragraph 6, of Law Decree 78/2010 converted with amendments into Law no. 122 of 30 July 2010 and further amended pursuant to article 2, paragraph 12-septis, of Law Decree no. 225 of 29 December 2010, converted with amendments by Law no. 10 of 26 February 2011, as amended.
Pharmaceutical companies may access the pay-back amounts relating to reimbursed medicinal products, that are charged to them in each accounting period by logging in to AIFA’s Front-End.
Published on: 07 December 2020
Last updated on: 16 December 2020