Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA publishes Recommendations on targeted therapy of resistant Infections - AIFA publishes Recommendations on targeted therapy of resistant Infections

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AIFA publishes Recommendations on targeted therapy of resistant Infections

The Italian Medicines Agency has published on the institutional portal two documents, addressed to hospital doctors (“Targeted therapy of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram negative bacteria in hospitalized patients”) and to general practitioners (“Targeted therapy of urinary infections caused by uncomplicated and complicated urinary infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram negative bacteria for community healthcare settings (including health care residences)”, with specific recommendations for the most complex infections to be treated, caused by bacteria considered “critical” by the World Health Organisation (WHO), with minimal or no therapeutic options.

The recommendations were drafted by the CTS AIFA Opera Working Group, set up in 2021 to support the Agency in promoting optimal use of antibiotics.

The recommendations were developed with a reasoned and evidence-based approach, specifying the choice of molecules (first and second choice and alternatives), the most appropriate dosage and route of administration with the lowest risk of selection of resistant bacteria.

The aim is to preserve the effectiveness of both conventional antibiotics (approved before 2010) and the most recently marketed molecules as well as reduce the onset of resistance.

Published on: 18 November 2022

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