Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA makes available the medicines anakinra, baricitinib and sarilumab for the treatment of COVID-19 - AIFA makes available the medicines anakinra, baricitinib and sarilumab for the treatment of COVID-19

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AIFA makes available the medicines anakinra, baricitinib and sarilumab for the treatment of COVID-19

Press release no. 665 - In the extraordinary meeting of 23 September 2021, the AIFA Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) assessed the new evidence that has become available for the use of anakinra, baricitinib e sarilumab, immunomodulating medicines currently authorised for other indications, in the treatment of COVID-19.

These three medicines, while having their own specificities, are in addition to tocilizumab in the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 subjects with severe pneumonia receiving various levels of oxygen therapy support. This decision, based on the evidence from the recently published literature, expands the number of therapeutic options and at the same time makes it possible to avoid that any lack of tocilizumab or one of these three medicines could have a negative impact on the possibilities of treatment.

In the meeting of 28 September 2021, the AIFA Board of Directors approved the inclusion of the three medicines anakinra, baricitinib and sarilumab in the list of Law 648/96, which allows to charge these medicines to the National Health Service.

The provision will be effective after publication in the Italian Official Journal.

Published on: 28 September 2021

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