Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Self-certification and 7% contribution - Self-certification and 7% contribution

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Self-certification and 7% contribution

Please note that all pharmaceutical companies must provide their self-certification to the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) no later than 30 April 2024. The self-certification shall indicate the total amount of the expenditure incurred in 2023 under any promotion activities, net of staff expenses, according to the scheme approved with Decree of the Ministry of Health of 23.04.2004. Companies are therefore expected to pay the related 7% contribution no later than the abovementioned date (30 April 2024), pursuant to Art. 48, paragraphs 17-18 of Law 326/2003, and Art. 11, paragraph 1 of Law 175/2021.

The self-certification shall be sent to the following certified email address:, specifying in the object:  “Self-certification 7%” plus the name and SIS code of the pharmaceutical company.

Published on: 04 March 2024

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