Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA’s Scientific-technical committee to reassess remdesivir in anti Covid-19 therapy - AIFA’s Scientific-technical committee to reassess remdesivir in anti Covid-19 therapy

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AIFA’s Scientific-technical committee to reassess remdesivir in anti Covid-19 therapy

The Italian Medicines Agency acknowledges with great interest the WHO guidelines just published in the authoritative independent journal "The British Medical Journal", which explicitly provides a negative recommendation on remdesivir: "The antiviral remdesivir is not recommended for patients hospitalized for Covid-19, regardless of the severity of the disease, because at the moment no evidence is reported that it improves survival or the need for oxygen support".

The Scientific-technical Commission, sitting in permanent session, is reassessing the role of remdesivir in anti Covid-19 therapy and will issue new recommendations and/or provisions next week for possible restrictions on use.

Published on: 20 November 2020

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