Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Biosimilar medicines in Italy: AIFA reports updated - Biosimilar medicines in Italy: AIFA reports updated

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Biosimilar medicines in Italy: AIFA reports updated

The Agency publishes the reports on the monitoring of biosimilar drugs in Italy, updated to February 2024.

In addition to the consumption and expenditure trends and regional variability two further analyses are present on the evolution of prices in the various distribution channels (approved care regime, per conto and direct distribution) as well as on the consumption trend of intravenous and subcutaneous formulations, where available.

The aim is to provide useful information to healthcare professionals who deal with monitoring and governance of pharmaceutical expenditure, to promote the use of patent-expired medicines, assess the effectiveness of regional tenders, identify opportunities of intervention and monitor the effects of the policies put in place.

Published on: 27 September 2024

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