Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA President Nisticò met Hubertus Cranz, the Director General of the German Medicines Association - AIFA President Nisticò met Hubertus Cranz, the Director General of the German Medicines Association

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AIFA President Nisticò met Hubertus Cranz, the Director General of the German Medicines Association

AIFA President Robert Nisticò met Hubertus Cranz, the Director General of the German Medicines Association,  for an exchange of views on current issues in relation to medicines and medical device regulation and legislation. The meeting was also attended by Dr Enrico Costa, Dirigente Settore Affari internazionali.

One of the key topics was the upcoming change of the EU Pharma legislation including the envisaged new provisions to fight medicines shortages, eg by enlarged requirements concerning stockpiling or shortage prevention plans. There is common interest in a system that provides efficiency and effectiveness in the given context. Discussions were also held on the amended Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the envisaged new requirements around environmental impact and their implications for the availability of medicines.

Attention was furtheron paid to the situation of herbal medicinal products which benefit in Europe from specific legal requirements established 20 years ago. There is room for improvement in the implementation of these rules and ways forward were considered.

Finally the role of self care in the European healthcare system was discussed. To treat minor diseases a sufficient range of nonprescription medicines is needed. Pragmatic assessments might be advisable. This should take into account the long term use of many of the products without compromising on patient safety.

It was agreed to stay in contact and continue exchanges.

Published on: 08 July 2024

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