Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

EMA advises about risks of using weight loss medicine Mysimba with opioids - EMA advises about risks of using weight loss medicine Mysimba with opioids

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EMA advises about risks of using weight loss medicine Mysimba with opioids

Use of opioid medicines with Mysimba may lead to serious side effects.

Following a routine review of the safety of the weight loss medicine Mysimba (naltrexone/bupropion), EMA recommends strengthening existing advice to minimise the risks from interactions between Mysimba and opioid-containing medicines (including painkillers such as morphine and codeine, other opioids used during surgery, and certain medicines for cough, cold or diarrhoea).

In particular, EMA is advising that opioid painkillers may not work effectively in patients taking Mysimba, because one of the active substances in Mysimba, naltrexone, blocks the effects of opioids. If a patient requires opioid treatment while taking Mysimba, for example due to a planned surgery, they should therefore stop taking Mysimba for at least three days before treatment with opioid medicines starts.

Furthermore, EMA is informing patients and healthcare professionals about the risk of rare but serious and potentially life-threatening reactions, such as seizures and serotonin syndrome (a potentially life-threatening condition that results from having too much serotonin in the body), in people taking Mysimba with opioids.

To minimise these risks, EMA recommends that Mysimba must not be used in people receiving treatment with opioid medicines. This is in addition to the existing contraindications stating that Mysimba must not be used in people who are dependent on long-term opioids, people receiving treatment with opioid agonist such as methadone, and people going through opioid withdrawal.

Published on: 29 July 2024

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