Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Renewal of the Medicines database to be closer to citizens, also through the App - Renewal of the Medicines database to be closer to citizens, also through the App

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Renewal of the Medicines database to be closer to citizens, also through the App

AIFA is renewing its medicines database which provides users with access to information on medicines for human use authorised in Italy and offers the 'AIFA medicines' App download directly onto ones’ smartphone.

It only takes a few clicks to be updated on medicines characteristics and therapeutic indications, contraindications, interactions with other medicines, reimbursability, and any doping effects for those practising competitive sport. Moreover, the App allows the creation of a ‘personal medicines cabinet’ which sends a reminder when is time to take them, that is because non-adherence to therapies not only harms our health but also our economy, since it increases social and health costs by 10 billion. 

Yet, the app does more than that: it sends alerts when a drug is suspended or withdrawn from the market, it constantly updates medicines for which there are shortages, and it indicates which medicines have doping effects for those who play sports at a competitive level.

Typing in the commercial name of the medicine or active ingredient, the App provides all the information about it as well as its various packaging and pharmaceutical forms with respect to reimbursability, characteristics and contraindications or interactions with other medicines. A more in-depth summary is reserved for doctors and pharmacists. One or more ‘personal pharmaceutical cabinets’ may be created, for oneself and one's loved ones. Once the name of the medicine is typed in, an alert pops up to remind you to take the medicine at the indicated time. 

"A simple application to solve a major problem: non-adherence to therapies, especially in chronic and elderly patients in polytherapy who interrupt or discontinue medication in 50% of cases when it comes to having to do so four times in a day’ - mphasises Robert Nisticò, President of AIFA - A problem for patients' health but also for public finances. In the USA, studies estimate the health and social costs induced by non-adherence to therapies at USD 100 billion a year. With due proportioning, the burden for Italy could be estimated at 10 billion".

Nevertheless, the App's functions do not end there. When a medicine shortage is certified, we are immediately notified if that medicine is in one of our ‘cabinets’ or among our 'favourites'. A link to the AIFA website informs you when the shortage is expected to end and whether alternatives are available, such as other equivalent products or products with the same therapeutic indication, as it is in the vast majority of cases. Even though consulting a doctor before changing therapy is always recommended. 

Both Database and App indicate whether a medicine contains doping substances for those practising sport at a competitive level. A function that will be enhanced by also specifying for which types of sport a medicine is considered doping and whether in competition or also in training.

Published on: 08 July 2024

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