Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

New ACC application - Evolutionary changes - New ACC application - Evolutionary changes

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New ACC application - Evolutionary changes

We hereby inform you that in the section “Questions and answers on authorisation of conferences and meetings (valid from 2 April 2024)” on the institutional website of the Agency, FAQ 25 concerning the “Payment of the fee due pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 6 December 2016 published in the Official Journal General Series No. 25 of 31 January 2017 and subsequent amendments” has been updated.

We also inform you that starting from 02/12/2024 at 13:00 the system will incorporate the above-mentioned update and the following additional changes to the system will be made available.

Modification of requests for which the evaluation by AIFA has not taken place

For authorisation requests for conferences and meetings it will be possible to modify the information listed below until the evaluation by AIFA and in any case no later than 15 days before the start date of the event:

  • Entry/modification of previously entered medicines.
  • Entry/modification of medicines not present in the list (AIFA registry).
  • Estimated expenses.
  • Participants (including the subsections: “Participants”, “Participants with reimbursement”, “Speakers with reimbursement”, “Speakers with compensation”).
  • Attachments.

Requests for Conferences and Meetings for which AIFA has requested integration

Please note that the pharmaceutical company may proceed with the integration of a request for Conferences and Meetings in the following way:

  • by accessing the "Request Search" section of the application;
  • by selecting in the "Actions" filter the wording corresponding to the desired action (in the case of integration: "Integration Request").

The search will return all requests linked to your SIS code for which AIFA has requested integration (e.g. single file, speaker table, ...) during the evaluation phase.

NB: please note that the "Status" filter must be unchecked to perform this search.

Published on: 29 November 2024


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