Webinar – Exchange of views with AIFA on the vaccination campaign - Webinar – Exchange of views with AIFA on the vaccination campaign
Webinar – Exchange of views with AIFA on the vaccination campaign
On 4 March 2021 the first of a series of regular meetings organised by AIFA and devoted to a scientific in-depth analysis and dialogue on the most topical issues took place. These meetings are intended to explain in detail - first and foremost to healthcare professionals - the reasons for and the pathway to the decisions taken by the Agency and to discuss their impact with the actors involved in managing them and putting them into practice within the Italian NHS.
The exchange of views focused on the vaccination campaign and on some of the FAQs that AIFA has developed in order to clarify any doubts and uncertainties about vaccines.
The webinar was followed by more than 300 healthcare professionals on the Agency’s YouTube channel and was moderated by Eva Benelli (Scientific Committee for the Post-Marketing Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines). The agenda featured the following:
Nicola Magrini (AIFA Director General) – Why are we here?
Vittorio Demicheli (Scientific Committee for the Post-Marketing Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines) – The three vaccines within the public health setting
Maria Rosa Valetto (vaccinating physician) - First line stories, three aspects addressed in AIFA’s FAQs: vaccination during breastfeeding / vaccinating recovered people? / why and how long before administering the booster dose
Discussion: Angela Giusti (Italian National Institute of Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità), Guido Forni (Scientific Committee for the Post-Marketing Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines), Patrizia Popoli (AIFA’s Technical-Scientific Commission)
Anna Lisa Mandorino (Cittadinanzattiva) – Civil society stories
Domenico Martinelli (Puglia Region) - Can we really say that we have completed the first phase of the vaccination campaign?
Published on: 05 March 2021