Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Authorisation of Conferences and Meetings - Authorisation of Conferences and Meetings

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Authorisation of Conferences and Meetings

Given the problems encountered by the users of the system for Authorisation of Conferences and Meetings (ACC) during the first phase of start-up (2 April 2024), we inform you that the timing initially foreseen for the validation of the request for conferences and meetings, referred to in Article 124 of Legislative Decree 219/2006, has been increased from 70 to 90 days from the date of the start of the event, while the deadline for uploading the receipt of payment (POL) has been increased from 55 to 40 days.

We also inform you that, as for the files uploaded to the new ACC system, which are currently “suspended” in that they have exceeded the legal terms and could not be validated, users will be able to validate them with the support of the Helpdesk service. In the next few days, the Helpdesk service days will contact users and guide them in the actions to be carried out.

Published on: 23 April 2024


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