Innovative medicines: AIFA publishes information and assessment reports in a single list - Innovative medicines: AIFA publishes information and assessment reports in a single list
Innovative medicines: AIFA publishes information and assessment reports in a single list

AIFA has updated the methods for publishing the list of innovative medicines to be made immediately available to patients, even without formal inclusion in the regional hospital therapeutic schedules.
Such medicines meet the requirement of full or conditional therapeutic innovation, pursuant to Article 10, paragraph 2 of Law no. 189/2012, as defined by Article 1 paragraph 1 of the State-Regions Agreement of 18 November 2010 (Rep. Atti no. 197/CSR).
The list, in ods format, allows the user to select the different contents according to their needs and will be updated on a monthly basis. The information available include the indication of innovation, the type of innovation granted, access to funds, references to the Official Gazette and the start and end date of effectiveness of the therapeutic innovation requirement.
For each specialty and innovative indication, assessment reports are available for the recognition of the innovation itself, in accordance with the provisions of AIFA Resolution no. 1535/2017.
Reports are also published of medicines that have obtained negative results in the innovation assessment.
Published on: 29 October 2021