Updating of the list of haptens of AIFA’s Director-General Decision DG 1334/2021 - Updating of the list of haptens of AIFA’s Director-General Decision DG 1334/2021
Updating of the list of haptens of AIFA’s Director-General Decision DG 1334/2021
AIFA has published its Director-General Decision DG 98/2022 of 24 February 2021 (GU Serie Generale n.51, 03-03-2022) which updates the list of haptens of AIFA’s Director-General Decision DG 1334/2021 that authorises the use of haptens for patch tests on an exceptional basis, in the absence of clinical alternatives and for a period of 24 months from the effective date of the above-mentioned decision. Such haptens without a marketing authorisation number or not authorized by law.
Published on: 03 March 2022