Medicines on the Horizon 2021 - Medicines on the Horizon 2021
Medicines on the Horizon 2021
The Medicines on the Horizon Report is intended to provide information on new medicinal products and most promising therapies, which received a positive opinion from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 2020 or which are expected to receive an opinion during the following years.
The Report is part of the horizon scanning activities carried out by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA). These activities allow to identify and assess, at an earlier stage, new medicines and new therapeutic indications of already authorised medicinal products. This will allow to expand the number of treatment options available to physicians and patients and address unmet medical needs. In some cases, these therapies could have a significant impact on the national healthcare system (NHS) and would require AIFA to define suitable strategies for ensuring patients’ access to innovative and customised therapies.
Published on: 05 February 2021