Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Paolo Foggi appointed Chair of EMA’s Scientific Advice Working Party - Paolo Foggi appointed Chair of EMA’s Scientific Advice Working Party

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Paolo Foggi appointed Chair of EMA’s Scientific Advice Working Party

Press release no. 676 - Paolo Foggi, Head of AIFA's Innovation and Pharmaceutical Strategy Division, was elected by a large majority Chair of the Scientific Advice Working Party (SAWP) by the members of EMA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP).

“AIFA’s willingness to put forward Dr Foggi for such a prestigious role shows that Italy not only wants to remain a key player in the European regulatory system, but also wants to strengthen its role. Paolo's appointment is a personal achievement for a highly respected colleague at all levels, and is also a success for Italy, thanks to all the Italian professionals, both internal and external to AIFA, who have worked over the years on EMA’s activities”, so Armando Genazzani, Italian member of the CHMP. 

The SAWP provides advice on drug development as well as support for the use of new technologies, new endpoints or innovative drug development methods through appropriate qualification advice. It is also connected with a vast network of external experts and patient representatives from all over Europe. The SAWP is directly involved in EMA’s initiatives and projects aimed at accelerating the availability of new drugs.

“The coordination of a strategic working group such as the SAWP is a task of great responsibility – so Paolo Foggi - and an important area of European collaboration for the development of innovative medicines based on reliable scientific evidence for the benefit of patients”. 

The appointment will be effective from March 2022.

For further information::

Published on: 16 December 2021

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