Open Data
Open data means that some types of data belonging to the Public Administrations are made freely accessible to all, without copyright restrictions limiting their reproduction.
The Digital Administration Code (Art.6, paragraph 3, subpar. b) defines 'open data' as data with the following characteristics:
- they are available under the terms of a license allowing them to be used by anyone, also for commercial purposes, in a disaggregated format;
- they are accessible through information and communication technologies, including public and private computer networks, in open formats pursuant to paragraph a), they are suitable for automatic use through computer softwares and are provided with the relative metadata;
- they are available free of charge through information and communication technologies, including public and private computer networks, or are made available with the marginal costs incurred for their reproduction and dissemination.
The data are organized in a catalogue allowing consultation and download: simply select the category of interest and click on the icon to download the data, in the detail sheet.
No authentication procedure is required to download, however it is advisable to read the accompanying user license, as this specifies the use that can be made of the data.
The data distribution license used by AIFA is CC-BY (attribution) version 4.0. This license allows third parties to distribute, modify, optimize and use the data, also commercially, with the obligation to quote the source. For further information, please refer to the license and the Creative Commons page. The personal data published can be reused only under the conditions laid down by the current legislation on the reuse of public data (Community Directive 2003/98/EC and Legislative Decree 36/2006 transposing the above Directive) in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded, and in compliance with the legislation on protection of personal data. Please find further information on the Privacy page.
AIFA makes the data available to facilitate consultation, reuse and distribution in various formats (xml, csv, pdf).
The CSV (comma separated value) file is a text format allowing to distribute data in tabular format, which can be read through an open software (calc by OpenOffice) or through proprietary software such as Microsoft Excel or simply with a text editor (NotePad).
Data relating to provisions
Data relating to provisions
Data provided pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 8, subpar. i, of Legislative Decree no. 150 of 2009 and to Article 53 of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 2001 relating to paid and unpaid positions conferred to public employees and other subjects. The data are available in accordance with Art. 15, paragraph 1.2 and Art. 10 paragraph 8 subpar. d) of Legislative Decree 33/2013
Data on Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits
Data on Tenders and Contracts
Data on Medicinal products lists
Data on Pharmacovigilance
Data on Authorized production workshops
Expenditure and consumption data relating to the flow of approved care regime and direct purchases