Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA/EMA/HMA - Translating Innovation into access for ATMPs

AIFA/EMA/HMA - Translating Innovation into access for ATMPs

The Italian Medicines Agency and the EU-Innovation Network (EU-IN) are organising a multi-stakeholder meeting in Rome to be held on 15 November 2024.

The meeting will focus on how innovation in the development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) can be translated into effective and safe therapies at the point of care in Europe.

The main objectives of the conference are: to seek feedback on the key challenges and opportunities for the development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP), from early stages through to market access, to present the scientific and regulatory support tools available at both the European and national levels for those involved in the development of ATMPs and of other innovative products and to engage in dialogue to identify the best ways to involve the various stakeholders of the European innovation ecosystem, with the ultimate goal of strengthening and making it more competitive.

The meeting will be held at the Roma Eventi - Fontana di Trevi Conference Centre, Piazza della Pilotta, 4.

The meeting will provide an open forum for discussion with a view to raising awareness of existing initiatives, as well as identifying further actions that could help to foster collaboration between stakeholders and ultimately facilitate patient access to safe and effective ATMPs.

Virtual participation to the event is open to all stakeholders. Prior registration will be required. In-person participation will be confirmed by invitation only.

To enable wide participation, the webinar will be broadcast on EMA’s website.

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